I'm one of those girls who has a husband who would rather do almost anything than have his photo taken. However, he reluctantly agreed to doing new family portraits with me when we were in Italy last month. Tiffany Kirchner-Dixon AKA The Fancy Farmgirl was the event photographer at "La Dolce Vita", the retreats I was co-hosting, and she kindly agreed to take some photos of Rick and I when he came to Italy in between the two retreats.
It had been 7 years since our previous 'real' photoshoot with a photographer so I will forever be greatful to Tiffany for capturing these images for us. I love Rick to distraction and LOVE having our relationship captured in images. And, while I can't claim that Rick had a miraculous about face and now likes having his photo taken, truth be told, Tiffany made the shoot fast and fun, and Rick didn't mind it! The only problem I have now is that I can't decide which to print for the house....what a great problem to have, eh?