(Photos from top: 1) The view of the Danube and Parliament from the Castle Hill. 2) Antiquing at a local flea market 3) A few of my treasures from the local flea market 4) A sweet photo of a baby girl that I found at the market 5) "Shoes on the Danube Bank" is a memorial of bronzed shoes on the bank of the Danube river. It commemorates Jews who were killed by fascist militiamen in Budapest during World War II. They were ordered to take off their shoes, and were shot at the edge of the water so that their bodies fell into the river and were carried away. It represents their shoes left behind on the bank. 6) The Parliment building 7) thoughts... 8) Rick and I in front of Széchenyi bath.)
As I write this, a few days removed from our time in Budapest I can't help but wish I was back there. As a city it completely captivated me. It was beautiful and stately, vibrant and full of personality. We ate fantastic meals, I had one of the most fun days of antiquing I have ever had at one of their local flea markets, and to top it off, we had blue skies and balmy weather each day. I plan to share some of our experiences and favorite places with you once I am back home. In the meantime, to read more about what we are doing and seeing, I invite you to visit me on Facebook. The link to my Facebook page is on the upper right side of this page.